Twelve Days of Serialised Romance (or Serialized if you want to get American and romantic):
As I mentioned in my last post here, I've prepared a special Christmastide gift for you all.
In the serialised story tradition of Regency newspapers, I've created a holiday romance in twelve parts. A new section goes live from Christmas Day (25th December).
I'll be delivering this serial romance work across the twelve days of Christmastide. For those of you who might miss a new read, log on and read at your pleasure.
It'll be up only for the period of Christmastide. Chapter 1 went live on Christmas Day - and the last chapter (i.e., the HEA) will go live on 6th January. Don't worry if you've missed a few chapters - I've uploaded all previous chapters into a downloadable ebook file so you can catch up anything you've missed - but only until Twelfth Night (that's 5th January 2023).
After this time, the free downloads will be for subscribers only. If you haven't signed up for my updates, you can do that here.
On Christmas Day in 1815, Callie Partridge loses a valuable family purse. As a gamekeeper's daughter, this isn't something her family can afford - especially during one of the coldest winters Yorkshire has ever seen.
The fellow who finds her family's treasure isn't her sort at all. His valet is far more interesting, though Mr Doyle seems terribly stiff. Callie would like to see him unbend a little, enjoy himself these holidays - and she'd like, above all things, to dance with Mr Doyle and hear him sing - but who's ever heard of a valet having fun? Still, 'tis the season...